All posts by Matt

A Christian living for Him, putting pen to paper and print to page. Spending my life on two wheels. Writer, carpenter, drummer, guitarist and all around musician. A jack-of-all-trades and master of none.

Come Rain or Shine

I’m not alone when one of the first things I do every morning, aside from hooking myself up to a coffee IV, is to flip on the news and more importantly, the weather.

This is what I’m looking at this week:

Weather screen shot

Slight chances of rain over the next few days. When you pair it with the radar, it’s pretty clear that a little moisture will fall each day. As a motorcycle commuter, I don’t let this become an excuse or a deterrent. A little rain? Psh… I’m gonna ride!

Pack a couple layers, zip up the jacket and grin as the miles melt behind you. Just another day in the split-lane!

Prepare Like a Pro

It is an extremely rare occasion that I walk out of the house empty handed. We, as busy and overly-connected 21st century humans are always connected. We have keys, phones, wallets, purses, jackets, umbrellas, snacks and beverages. That is just the start. If you’re hauling stuff to your car you can take an armload to the backseat and call it good. However, if you’re lucky enough to ride to your destination, it becomes a bit tricky.

Packing for a trip is to be expected, but when commuting on a motorcycle, each day becomes a trip and the once overlooked everyday items become baggage. I pack a lunch for work each day and also try to hit the gym 3-4 times a week. To make this routine possible on a motorcycle, it requires just a bit of planning.

Carrying all the stuff you need to get through a day can be a challenge when taking the bike.
Carrying all the stuff you need to get through a day can be a challenge when taking the bike.

I take running shoes, clothes for work, sandals for the shower and a towel for the much needed post-workout shower. Just stuff on stuff on stuff.

Saddlebags are a great option for those who have them, however I opt for a well organized backpack and a small soft-side cooler for my lunch that I strap to my passenger seat using a motorcycle cargo net. Works like a charm.

Without question it takes more preparation to pack a bag and take the bike to work, but isn’t that what we signed up for? Riding isn’t just for the occasional sunny afternoon. Ditch the grocery-getter and put your kickstand up tomorrow.

I guarantee you’ll never look at your commute the same way again.

Bike Night 2013

The first Bike Night of 2013
The first Bike Night of 2013

The first bike night of 2013 was both breezy and chilly, which I suppose is all too symbolic of our life on two wheels here on the upper great plains. However, he weather couldnt stop over 300 bikers from filling the parking lot and admiring the custom work of their fellow riders and the newest bikes from the participating dealers.

The area Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki, KTM, Victory, Indian, and Triumph dealers loaded up their showrooms and brought them to the people. Although I am brand biased, (Isn’t everyone??) all of the dealers really brought out a few cool rides at price points all across the board. It was interesting that the area Harley Davidson dealer wasn’t in attendance as a majority of the bikers in attendance were a part of the H.O.G. community.

Just the first of four of these events this summer that I think are going to see an increase in participation every month. I guess we’ll see!

Better Late Than Never

This week marks the first full week in this great northern state that (comfortably) riding to work can be done. The chance to ditch my truck and it’s measly gas mileage for life on two-wheels is one I have been anticipating for months. It’s unbelievable how a previously mundane, even frustrating commute can suddenly become something you not only enjoy, but learn to appreciate.

I would love to log hundreds of miles a day crossing state-lines and back country highways but I can’t quite give up my day job just yet. Weekend touring is something we all find ourselves daydreaming about, however, when it comes to logging miles during the week, I’ll take them any way I can! Dig that old backpack out of the closet and strap it on. It’ll shine a whole new light on that same old 9 to 5.